The Fingerprint Clerk
I am precise as a paper cut  
My hand on your hand  
I am an awkward palm reader 
Reserved as a pocket watch
I am not very tall or old 
My work shirt untucked
My part is uneven
I know my duty    
Not too much small talk
Not too much delay 
I hang quotes on my walls 
Don’t ask me to explain 
Li Po: “On a narrow road every man is equal” 
Bobby Fischer: “Chess is war 
Over the board.  The object 
Is to crush the opponent’s mind"
Proof, the object of a fingerprint 
Turns, loops, arches, whorls
You are who you say you are 
Stand here and give me your right 
I am your groom, you are mine
My faith is in your hand
Copyright © 2004–2023 Memorious