7th Grade Science Lesson
Ms. Weiss sticks her fist inside a dead cow’s heart and wears, for one brilliant minute, a red boxing glove. Poor heart, dumb on the table, to teach us about form: superior vena cava, veins, valves, ventricles, small, empty chambers where blood once swarmed— Ms. Weiss’ wedding ring slips off inside this once warm home—Oh!—is it David who howls first? The lesson shatters. I love that what is precious can vanish in any heart. I know nothing of gold or marriage, just that today, science lost to slime, expert to animal, term to body, living to dead, so I join my pack and laugh until my sides crack and my heart bursts at the sight of Ms. Weiss, both hands now deep and bloodied, leaning over the long gone organ to save her thing of meaning.